
Slinfold Golf & Country Club

Online booking terms & conditions (acceptance required to make booking)


  • To book a tee time online you will have to enter your credit or debit card details using our secure online payment process.
  • Your card will be charged the FULL amount for your tee time, less any discount vouchers applied.
  • When you arrive you must report to the Club Reception before beginning your round and provide us with your confirmation email containing your unique booking reference number before commencing play.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Your reservation time is the time you are due to tee off and not your arrival time. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your tee time.


  • Online bookings are non-refundable, however a credit against a future round of golf will be given if the tee reservation has been cancelled by telephone (01403 791154) or in person at the club PRIOR to the tee time.
  • NO CREDIT will be given if no contact is made PRIOR to the tee time to cancel the tee time reservation, either by telephone or in person.
  • If play commences and the SUBSEQUENT onset of extreme weather forces players off the course prior to completion of the 4th hole, at the Management's discretion a credit may be given. In this instance, the Management's decision is final.
  • Credited rounds are valid for up to 90 days from the original date of play.
  • Standard Online rates not applicable to multiple tee reservations or golf society days.


Please note, that there is a dress code for the 18 hole course , click here to view

The Club Reception is open from 6.30am every day.


Golf Buggies can only be booked from the Club Reception, subject to availability and course conditions



The management strongly recommends that all golfers leave the course when there is the threat of lightning and that they do not return to the course until the threat has diminished.


Golfers are advised that it is their decision alone on whether or not to continue play, as it is recognised that the situation can improve or worsen by the minute.

The recommendation by the management is that each golfer should consider their own personal safety, and the safety of others, in their decision as to whether conditions are safe to continue.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.